I can say that Im pretty stoked on the line up at this festival and that I got invited to Be myself/hang/work together with the great people at MACBETH FOOTWEAR!
So people, if you are mooshing the festival grounds...Please come by the Macbeth tent and give me a high five!
Oh , damn! Super old EDGE TV clip about the Swedish snowboarding scene and how it all started... (In Swe , but funny stuff to watch!) Check the sick line the dude is throwing down in the pipe at 2:00 and my next years steeze at 3:04! BOOM, CLASSIC FOR LIFE DO OR DIE!
Holy fuck! Parkway Drive is one of my fav bands , good music and great live act. This is some new footy from their home show that they did a time back...
Wheelchair guitar shred , frontflip bodyboard stage dive and more moooossh!!
BISHOPS ARMS in Umeå... Brotha bought KWAK beer 8,4% and a friggin "Inspector Gadget" beer handle on to it, wwoah! Good beer and good company! Nuff said
My NITRO homies shredding shit up at MT.HOOD last summer! Can´t wait to se what the boys are cooking this year... I wanna go there to! (I hope my hip is 120% for some riding) Otherwise I´ll go to France for some easy riding/hanging ... looking forward to it!
Yeah , issue 156 of the gentlemens mag FRONT is now out in stores! Go grab your copy of mayhem , good music , awesome clothing ,Nikki Sixx and tattooed ladies...
In April I went to Groezrock festival in Belgium together with my awesome sponsors MACBETH footwear. This is pretty mutch what happened during the days of mayhem at the festival!
This dude sneaked in and jumped the uber famous skier with the whitest teeth in the history Jon Olsson´s kicker all naked ´n shit , during the JOI contest in Åre (swe) . I posted the video some days ago aswell... (Scroll down the history on the right...The Gun Rackpack "Kungen af skutan") It looks fuckin gnarly!
I think it was this dude Mathias who took the picture ...
I like the video cuz it´s a spoof on "The walking dead"/"28 days later" and the friggin Shuffle dance is awesome! bustin those moves on the weekend...it´s a done deal yay! Ooh, almost forgott , the golden Robot dude is sick! (check his moves at the end)
My buddy Knut is a friggin boss! Non stop ADHD , funny as fuck , super good snowboarder...yeah a legit dude! Here is a clip on Knut doin some handplants from Eero Ettala´s blog... legit
Drop Dead clothing got this Carnaby store party tomorrow , show up and get 20% off! That´s nice if you are cruising the area... (8 Kingly St, London, W1 B5PQ)
Be shure to check this mental Ongoing personal project that my photo buddy Peter Lundström is doing assisted by his slave Cliff Karlsson...haha Check his website over at cargocollective HERE! And find yourself drooling over pieces like "cirkus depression" , Onboard mag highlights , "trees" and other crazy shit he have done during the years! Also alot of myself in there! :)
Here’s a statement from guitarist Steven Bradley regarding the decision to abandon the band’s old sound:
“We were sick of getting lumped in with ‘scene’ and ‘whatever-core’ bands, so we decided to embrace our roots and just go straight black metal on the new album. I’d say 90% of the new record is straight-up black metal, so we had to change our image to match… Because of course that’s just as important, if not more so, than the music.”
Fuck yes! Last week I put my acting skillz on the wall! I helped my dawg and director/editor Jakob Arevärn with a small part of a series of awesome commercials for METALPOKER.COM supported by CENTURY MEDIA RECORDS . My part was to be a dry ass lame media dude working at a Hi-Fi shop... And I can tell you , the shit will turn out legendary! I was laughing so hard to the previews that Jakob showed me... damn!
Yay! My awesome sponsors Junkyard.com are doing it big! Junkyard skateboard games will be of the heezayy!
Read it and wheep (by Junyard.com) Finally, the fuse is lit for the the 2011 Junkyard Skateboard Games, the sequel to the success of last year's Junkyard Skate Olympix. On the 28th of May the world's best skateboarders will once again clash with the Scandinavian elite in the enormous Arena Vänersborg. In five separate disciplines the 32 handpicked heroes will battle it out for 10.000 Euro and everlasting glory. In addition to the unforgettable skateboarding we will also have our best brands present, putting on happenings and give-aways.
For those about to shop there will be a massive stock sale and for those craving to skate the open course is there to let you make use of inspiration and excess energy. Let the games begin!
This is my small edit from the Keep a breast stand at Groezrock festival . The artist Dominic Van Heupen painted some boobies and they turned out awesome!
INFO: The Keep A Breast Foundation™ is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. Their mission is to help eradicate breast cancer by exposing young people to methods of prevention, early detection and support. Through art events, educational programs and fundraising efforts, they seek to increase breast cancer awareness among young people so they are better equipped to make choices and develop habits that will benefit their long-term health and well-being. Some of today’s most progressive artists, athletes and celebrities have participated in Keep A Breast events, including Shepard Fairey, Dita Von Teese, pro surfers Lisa Anderson and Layne Beachley, musicians Tom Delonge of Angels and Airwaves/Blink 182, Katy Perry, Pink, Maya Ford of the Donnas, The Foo Fighters and many more...
Photo: Anton Gun (yeah ME!) Tune: A Day To Remember - Homesick (acoustic)
Just wanted to thank my babe for doing my birthday (May 8th) awesome! During the day I had to do some good o´l treasure hunting , getting all types of cool stuff to do :) The final destination was on a hotel (not a motell or a holiday inn, hah), with some bubble bobble drinks and good dinner!