måndag 6 februari 2012

ISPO 2012 (In pictures)

Back home in Umeå after a business packed trip in Munich , London and Stockholm.... Let´s start this of with ISPO!
I came there on Sunday eve , packed my stuff into the hotel and went to my friend and photographer dog Lolli and his photo exhibition. It was great , a lot of high Q pictures of me and a lot of my friends where hangin on the wall looking crisp!
We had some beers , chatted for a bit and then I went with Basti and his buddy to the Pleasure magazine party. There I met a lot of dudes that I haven´t seen since my injury last Febraury and it felt really cool to catch up over a few drinks!

The morning after I took the train to the ISPO fair and got to pay 40EUR for not having a ticket...fuck!
Then the mayhem began!
Meeting my sponsors Nitro , L1 , Raiden , Giro , Skullcandy , Pow and the dudes at Junkyard.com for some great talking/messing around!
Nitro had a signing sesh with Me, Brian Fox , Austin Smith , Eero Ettala and Marc Swoboda. That makes me smile ,cuz of all the people appreciating the stuff that I do! Love ya´ll

Oh yeah , if u check the photos I was hangin with a KISS member as well... eehrm (Fuckin Chuck Platt cracks me up every time we are hangin!!)

ISPO 2012 = Done deal! and the most productive one yet!


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