fredag 21 januari 2011 VS

Swedish web shop giant sues Swedish "Ebay" .

Here is the full story:

The web shop has sued block of 8 million of them to have stolen their product images on the skate and surf gear to their site and also used a picture in TV commercials.
Probably block mistaken and assumed that the images are official product images from the manufacturer. A professional image users have a responsibility to ensure who holds the copyright.
- We were quite shocked that block which still is the market could do something like that. We also feel that it harms our graphic identity when our copyrighted images are visible in other contexts, says Jonas Moberg to Dagens Media.
The images used by competitors to appointed by block.
- It is of course surprised, annoyed and angry that someone else capitalizes on the work we have done.
The total number is about over 365 pictures that block put out in the fall and that claim is theirs.
The block does not deny the facts but defended themselves by saying it was a mistake.
- That was why we removed the pictures as soon as we were made aware of this. We regret this, "says Block PR Manager Johanna Wilkens to news mag Dagens Media.

We´ll se what happens! If they win , they might increase my salary! fuck yeah! haha

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