måndag 6 december 2010

Shooting - Day (what day is it again?)

"Best drop in ramp ever!!"
"the dudes where watching the stars... ehrm..."

So, since I don´t remember what we have been doing during these last days I post the spot I rmember, haha!
The infamous down-flat-down in Övik Sweden...

Marc was fucking killing it with combos I tought was impossible on that bastard , and after one million resets on the drop in/speed I was able to gap that mofucker!

Enough said

Of to another mission in 3...2...

2 kommentarer:

  1. Haha!! Bra att ni fick andvändning av en del utav starttornet:) hehe
    Låter fett med gap!
    / lill eric

  2. KLART!!

    Tack som fan för att du lånade ut den delen... Kung!

    Hoppas du har det så kult på restaurangen , hej då
