söndag 23 augusti 2009

ESPERANTO (roadwarrior trailer)

Posting this a bit late but...here it goes!


We are very proud to present you the first trailer ever from the Nitro Road Warrior crew.
We decided to call the movie ESPERANTO due to the mix of languages that we always speak when we are on the road. That trailer shows some of the major impressions that we had during our last season. It was basically a trip around the world, from China, to Norway, Sweden, Romania, Poland, Austria, Italy, Switzerland to the US.
The final movie ESPERANTO will be free for download mid of September on www.nitrousa.com. It will be kind of a travelstory of the European Team where the impressions of each country we travelled to will be shown more detailled.

Song: "I Used To Sing" THE MAJORITY SAYS

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